
Okay, so here is my biggest not-school-related accomplishment so far, I have finally finished the fourth book in the Twilight Saga, Breaking dawn. Usually when I read a book, it doesn't take me too long to finish it, but these four books have almost taken me a year to finish. They were good, but obviously they weren't all that. Yes, I like the vampire/werewolf thing, but unlike some other people, I am not obsessed with Twilight.

I started reading another book today, My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult. It seems really good, but then again, I have heard it was very good too. I want to watch the movie, Emma said it was good, but she also said the book was good. That's why I'm reading it..

Going to Emma's soon, we're going to "study", we're probably going to end up watching a movie. Here's the surprising part, Sara's coming too! Haha.

Ta-tah for now.

Postat av: Teta

It betta be good if you're waisting time to read it :P Nice you'll have a great time with Sara onboard ;)

2010-01-10 @ 21:11:25
URL: http://teta2.blogspot.com
Postat av: Sara

Irsa I'm the one who used my mummmy voice to make YOU come along ;)

2010-01-12 @ 00:35:01
URL: http://sheyaa.blogspot.com
Postat av: Bobo

Well,I feel singled out by you in this blogg by "some people"!!!

2010-01-25 @ 20:01:26

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