I'm not in control so let me go

What a beautiful day! Seriously! The sun is shining and it's freaking hot! I LOVE IT! I am sitting outside in the balcony with my brother, glasses on, music playing, coke in a glass and just enjoying it. :D

He randomly asked me about my blog and then I thought I might as well blog a little.. he also asked me why I have no pictures, I have to take nice pictures to put up..

Might go to Överby today, nothing else to do.. I should however get started on my report. It makes me stressed just thinking about it. Anyway.. should get back to be semi-social..

Enjoy the sun!

ps: Lareb is best!


For the past two weeks (this is week number 3) I have been interning at my placement. I've been busy there. Waking up early and going to bed early is not so fun, but it's something that has to be done.

Met Emma this evening for "coffee" (is there an English word for "fika"?). Anyway, I put "coffee" in quotation marks because I don't like coffee.. It was nice. I had a cookie! Haha.

Gonna go now, time for Christine!


Tired, confused, bored, and stuff..

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