03 January 2010

Yet another day has passed. School tomorrow, can't say I'm looking forward to it, but then again why would I?

Just saw a group on Facebook called 2013, for those who are going to party it up then. I started thinking, if the world ends in 2012, I will have wasted my whole life in school. That would suck so bad. Imagine that, I get out of school, then I go to school to become a teacher, which again means that I'm going back to school for the rest of my life, only to DIE!

I want to go someplace warm, it's too cold here. Too much snow, too much wind, just too cold. I want to see places and enjoy the sun.

I want to watch a movie, but I can't. Too much school work. I guess I should get back to studying.. or msn.. ;)

Postat av: Emma

yes, i did. that's why it's under the category of 'påhittat'. i had to make it up last year, cause everyone though my texts like that were suicidal and depressing. and autobiographical. not true.

2010-01-03 @ 20:35:38
URL: http://nilima.blogg.se/
Postat av: Sara

U stupid NOn teacher:P

2010-01-04 @ 22:53:01
URL: http://sheyaa.blogspot.com

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