I'm no Superman

Long time, no hear. Couldn't really be bothered to blog, but I'm back now! Did you miss me? :P

We started a new course last week, and today we had our first seminar. Joyful. I read online that we had to read three very long articles for the seminar so I was stressing last night and this morning. Then I found out that those articles were for the seminar next week.. RELIEF!

After school we went to Pizzeria Paris and bought food, because I was HUNGRY! Then Emma and I had to walk back to her place..it was bloody cold, but when we got there, we ate, and man, was it goood! It was almost like heaven in a box.

Anyway, now I'm gonna go eat.. I'm hungry..and then I'm going to read. Yes, I said read. I am going to read!

Home at last

I'm home, I'm hungry, I'm tired and I'm bored.

Tonight, Sherlock Holmes..

It's good to be King

Good afternoon sunshines!
Woke up early because I had a test, I hope it went okay..Afterwards Bobo and I went to town to have coffee (or in my case, coca-cola and a huge cookie). It was goood, we talked and stuff. Then we went window-shopping, I found a couple of signs that I liked. It's Good to be King describes me perfectly, haha! :P

Anyway, now I'm back at school..thought I would finish the last report of this course. Instead I ended up on the internet doing other stuff like, checking my Facebook, Hotmail, blogging and Google! I googled Kevin from BSB just like that, he is not that good looking, in fact he almost looks a little creepy. Aye caramba! What was I thinking? I guess I wasn't..maybe I have just been influenced by everyone, because apparently there aren't that many people that seem to like him, not that I like him..

I'm surprised to see that Brian looks good, Nick looks a little bit feminine, Howie looks like he always has and AJ needs to get rid of the butt-fluff on his chin, it's not hot.
They all look alright, but I guess we have Photoshop to thank for that. ;)

I want it that way

When I got home today I had a nice little surprise waiting..a Cosmo (a magazine that I had ordered last summer!)! It sure took them long enough.

Anyway, now I am chatting to awesome Sara, she's just AWESOME! And also on Facebook, a couple of friends and I are having a discussion about which Backstreet Boy is the best looking.. I think Kevin because he was good looking back in the day..Who's your favorite Backstreet Boy?

Okay.. back to other stuff


Okay, so here is my biggest not-school-related accomplishment so far, I have finally finished the fourth book in the Twilight Saga, Breaking dawn. Usually when I read a book, it doesn't take me too long to finish it, but these four books have almost taken me a year to finish. They were good, but obviously they weren't all that. Yes, I like the vampire/werewolf thing, but unlike some other people, I am not obsessed with Twilight.

I started reading another book today, My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult. It seems really good, but then again, I have heard it was very good too. I want to watch the movie, Emma said it was good, but she also said the book was good. That's why I'm reading it..

Going to Emma's soon, we're going to "study", we're probably going to end up watching a movie. Here's the surprising part, Sara's coming too! Haha.

Ta-tah for now.

Happy birthday

It's my brother's b-day today. So here's a message to him (I have wished him already, I'm not that bad a sister, but here it is in my blog..).
Happy Birthday, Lari!

Wish you the best..

Release me

After actually studying (!), Emma and I have decided to take a break! We are going to watch 90210 and eat food. Why? Because we deserve it. We have been good girls, and most importantly, we have studied! I still have a lot to do, but a break will motivate me, I hope. Writing a report about verb errors is not as fun as it sounds! :P

Until later, my dears..Tah!

Try sleeping with a broken heart

Okay, so I'm going to try to have "interesting" titles for the posts, because the date is kind of boring. The titles might not have anything to do with the posts, but whatever. This title is a song title, the song is awesome.

Try sleeping with a broken heart by Alicia Keys.

I have two reports to write, two tests next week, a report to read and give feedback on. I thought this would be easy, but maaan was I mistaken. Becoming a teacher is no walk in the park! It is hard work. It doesn't really help either when you "save" everything until the night before. I always say I'm going to at least start in good time, but does that happen? NO!

Went to Högskolan today to study, didn't get much done. We ended up singing instead, and not well, I might add. Haha.

I just ate some Oreos, damn good. I also tried Schweppes Russchian, not bad, but not all that good either.

Okay, off to do other stuff..

Btw mjukisbyxor forever! So comfy, so warm, so awesome. ;)

04 January 2010

After so much stressing yesterday about my presentation for Sociolinguistics today I got tired and went to bed. Today I woke up at 5 a.m. to continue/finish my presentation. I was so nervous because presentations aren't my thing, and those who know me know that I can't handle it all that well. It went alright, this could be because of my lovely classmates and not so strict teacher.

After school, Bobo, Emma and I went to Emma's place where we drank coffee (or in my case, Pepsi) and ate cookies. We talked and watched a little stand-up and bloopers.

I have just watched two movies because now that I don't have a presentation I choose to relax. I watched Failure to Launch, and The Family Stone. The first one was okay, predictable, but alright. The second one though was mediocre.

I want to read now, I'm going to try to finish the last book of the Twilight Saga. It has taken me almost a year, I guess I'm just not that into it.. the sooner I finish this book, the sooner I can read the other books I've been wanting to read.


03 January 2010

Yet another day has passed. School tomorrow, can't say I'm looking forward to it, but then again why would I?

Just saw a group on Facebook called 2013, for those who are going to party it up then. I started thinking, if the world ends in 2012, I will have wasted my whole life in school. That would suck so bad. Imagine that, I get out of school, then I go to school to become a teacher, which again means that I'm going back to school for the rest of my life, only to DIE!

I want to go someplace warm, it's too cold here. Too much snow, too much wind, just too cold. I want to see places and enjoy the sun.

I want to watch a movie, but I can't. Too much school work. I guess I should get back to studying.. or msn.. ;)

01 January 2010

Happy new year! Here's to a wonderful new year filled with happiness and laughter!

I was going to blog before, but I had just been out and when I came back home I was frozen. Decided to lie down in bed in my blanket to warm up..it took forever. So while I was lying down I watched a movie, Julie & Julia. It was alright.

Here's something I was thinking about last night..why are people walking/running around town during winter time? There is snow everywhere, the temperature is minus something and some people (very few, but still..) that are barely wearing any clothes at all! I saw one girl in a T-shirt, one girl in something so short you wonder why she even bothered with that, and a few others wearing next to nothing?! It can't possibly be fashion, I mean dressing modern is one thing, but dressing without actually dressing is another.

Ah well, I'm sick so I'm going to bed.
Good night munchkins.

29 December 2009

Busy day. Both good and bad. Happy and sad. Life..huh?

I have finally finished my old VFU-report, and I even sent it in. One less thing I have to worry about, now I have to focus on the Sociolinguistics crap, a couple of my classmates have already sent it and that is stressing me out more. I'm tired and I have a cold, I need a real vacation in order to recuperate, school doesn't keep that in mind. Go all out for a whole year and then summer break is enough?!? I think NOT! Although we haven't had any classes, we have had lots to do.

Anyway, on to happier thoughts.. or at least less depressing because face it, school is depressing.. my feet are itching. I think I'm going to bed early today, too much stressing yesterday, didn't go to sleep until 5 a.m. Mom woke me up at 9.30 a.m. and I have been running around ever since. Was going to watch a movie at Emma's place, but parents said no, come home, sleep or just chill at home. Wasn't too happy at first, but I got my report done which seems to be the only plus side. Don't know if anything I wrote today made sense. It made sense when I wrote it, but now it just seems blähääeafr. I'm tired.

Good night, peeps. Sweet dreams.

27 December 2009

Yesterday: Went to Överby with family, looked around, but was very disappointed with the "sales". Then we went to McDonalds, that's always a good thing in my world..until I drop dead because of all the yummy junk I've been eating, but it's all good (food). Emma came over in the evening and we watched Princess Protection Program, and also the beginning of Pandorum, The Hangover, and then we decided to watch Chris Rock's Kill the Messenger. We only watched half, but it was hilarious.

Today I'm going to Överby, and if I don't get ready now, I will be late. (I will be late anyway, but I will be later if I don't get ready soon).

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