29 December 2009
Busy day. Both good and bad. Happy and sad. Life..huh?
I have finally finished my old VFU-report, and I even sent it in. One less thing I have to worry about, now I have to focus on the Sociolinguistics crap, a couple of my classmates have already sent it and that is stressing me out more. I'm tired and I have a cold, I need a real vacation in order to recuperate, school doesn't keep that in mind. Go all out for a whole year and then summer break is enough?!? I think NOT! Although we haven't had any classes, we have had lots to do.
Anyway, on to happier thoughts.. or at least less depressing because face it, school is depressing.. my feet are itching. I think I'm going to bed early today, too much stressing yesterday, didn't go to sleep until 5 a.m. Mom woke me up at 9.30 a.m. and I have been running around ever since. Was going to watch a movie at Emma's place, but parents said no, come home, sleep or just chill at home. Wasn't too happy at first, but I got my report done which seems to be the only plus side. Don't know if anything I wrote today made sense. It made sense when I wrote it, but now it just seems blähääeafr. I'm tired.
Good night, peeps. Sweet dreams.
Every little thing is gonna be alright ;)