Me, myself and I
Today I went on a mini road-trip by myself, haha, I kind of sound a little bit bullied.. I went to visit Bojana. I was so nervous, I thought I'd get lost becuase I was on my own and my sense of direction sucks. I made it though and only got "lost" when I got there. I passed the street near her house thinking "I think it's there, but it can't be"..anyway a small detour later I had arrived. :D
We went to Nossebro and I got to see her new house. We went to Calzone and Bobo bought me food :P Then back at her place she baked brownies, and we watched a movie called It's a Wonderful Afterlife. I had fun :) and I was waaaaaaay proud of myself for making it all the way there and back in one piece.
Got home a little bit before 23.. All in all, a good day :)
Good night ♥
Fallens dagar 2010
And so the awaited Fallens Dagar (the Waterfall days) weekend has come to an end this year.. I thought it was going to suck because they had taken away the rides, just like last year, but I had fun. I spent this weekend with friends, both old and new, and it was really nice even though there wasn't much to do besides walking around. My favorite part of Fallens is seeing everybody, especially the people you know and haven't seen in a while. It's the only time during the year where almost everybody is in town (hopefully) enjoying themselves. We all know that the fjortis-gangs have a good time, they get yet another reason to drink, and barf all over town, and let's not forget their shameful showering/dancing in the fountain. Besides that, it's all goood :)
Here is a picture I found online..
Back home!
We walked around so much, it was fun, but it did take it's toll on my feet. Everything in Stockholm seems to be connected to everything, haha. One minute we're in this place and the next we're in that place. Kinda cool if you ask me :)
I'm not very good with direction and that stuff, but here are a few places I know we went to. We went to Södermalm (I had Burger King there, gooood), we were in Stureplan (I had a Piggelin there, and we saw Amir and Kissie). We walked around Gamla Stan (where we took a bunch of pictures and Hager was playing around with the guards), Sergels Torg (where I'm pretty sure we had Pizza Hut), and of course T-centralen (where we travelled from, and also where we saw Timbukto), and then of course Flempan where Hager lives, and Visättra (home of the 'Licious).
On my radar
Today we woke up early because Mala had a job interview. We got there early just in case we couldn't find it, but we did find it. We sat outside on a bench and watched people as they went by. In a way we were people-watching.. :P
After her interview we walked around town and looked inside the shops, there were some sales, and although I did like a thing or two, I came out empty handed. Mala tried to get me to buy a pair of jeans that I really did not like, I said I would rather get bangs than buy those jeans, so what happened next? We looked for a hair salon and found one. ;)
Then we were hungry and tired, so our next stop was: foooood! Pizza Hut was on the menu today, and man, it was good! While looking for Pizza Hut, Mala recognized a guy that was waiting for something, it was Timbuktu! We said hello to Timbukto! :)
Now we are at home. Mala is taking a nap, I should get some rest too, I feel very tired.. Good day! :)
It's my second day here in Stockholm, I arrived on Friday night. Just after the first night I felt like I had seen everything..I'll write more about that later though.. when I can be bothered :P
Stockholm is in fact an incestuous city, everything is connected. I've only been here like a day and a half, and I feel like I have seen pretty much the whole of Stockholm (which most likely isn't true, but still.. ).
Yesterday, when we were at Stureplan we saw Amir and Kissie. She isn't as tiny and big-boobed as she seems on her blog.. just saying.
Gonna watch some TV now :)
Guten tag. My banner is missing..or is it just me that can't see it? Anyhow, yesterday I went to Strandgatan with some friends.. man, the place was seriously packed with people. It was really nice and sunny yesterday so it was nice to be outside instead of being cooped up at home all day.
The weather has really been super nice for a while now, I hope it stays that way.. I love u, Sun :)
Peace and love ('cause we all know the world could use some more of that)